The Myth of Analytics Self Service
Our users do their analysis within our platform
Users download data – To send to external parties; for further analysis; to upload elsewhere. AND YOU provide the ability to download CSVs. But when faced with downloading more than a few thousand rows of data, you offer no solution. “User self-service” becomes “ask IT.”
We understand: Downloading millions of rows is hard
- Too large for a CSV
- Can’t open the file in Excel or Sheets
- Corporate security concerns
The answer is EXPONAM
With Exponam .BIG files, your users can easily download dataset with 100s of millions of rows.
- Download .BIG files as easily as downloading CSVs
- Access millions of rows instantly in a spreadsheet
- Easily filter and sort data
- One click push to Excel
- Fully secure data
- Ultra-compressed
- Files are immutable, provenance and lineage are tracked
- Files are stamped with originating system details – extending your reach to all who interact with the files
You do the heavy lifting –making data accessible; providing visualizations; uncovering insights. Let us help you provide true user self-service for secure, large data download, sharing and exploration.